May 3, 2010

First Blog/May 2nd Kd Trip Report

Well, I finally have a blog.  I guess this is sort of my official coming out as an internet junkie.  It had to happen sometime.  Anyway, thank you for reading and please keep up with the blog, I should post every two or three days.  If you have any comments or questions, feel free to comment on this blog, I set it so anyone could comment without having to register which can be a pain in the ass.  With that being said, if you'd rather email me, my email is  Now, to the good stuff!

No, not processed food from Mickey D's, my Kings Dominion trip report.  Though, the latter does contain just as much of a risk of a heart disease as much as the former.  If you don't live in Virginia, then you wouldn't understand why the hell I would go to Kings Dominion at 4pm when they closed at 8.  During the Spring, Virginia's weather has violent mood swings, one day its pouring rain, the next it is 90 degrees outside.  I was waiting for it to cool down, but soon realized it would not.  So, rather then waiting any longer, my friends and I left around three.  On the drive down, rather then stopping for some artery clogging "Bacon Potato Pie", I decided to have an apple.  Folks, anything that is made from something called "Bacon Potato" is probably not the best for you.  Anyway, on the other side of I-95 right next to the Kings Dominion exit, Busch Gardens decided to put up a billboard.  Not so great marketing decision if you ask me, most people who go to Kings Dominion aren't looking to go to Busch Gardens Williamsburg directly after.  I would've taken a picture, but my camera battery died as soon as I turned it on, I'll be getting a Nikon soon.  Anyway, I decided to upgrade my pass to a Platinum Pass which is perhaps the sexiest season pass I've ever seen, because I will be going to Carowinds this Friday and perhaps Cedar Point or Dorney Park later in the summer.  Anyway, once we got inside the park, we rode Dominator and Berserker.  Dominator was great as usual, perhaps my favorite B&M Floorless coaster, Berserker was average, as usual.  

After getting over the soreness caused by the unusual restraints of Berserker, we headed to the "Congo" riding Generic Themed: Stunt Coaster, Anaconda (which had its brake run repainted in the off-season, only someone like me would notice that), Volcano which was repainted with some fresh pigeon shit, the Crypt, and Flight of Fear.  Then we headed down to Intimidator 305, which was apparently having some wheel problems.  We got to ride it, nothing seemed off to me.  But, if the train's wheels are already wearing down, something tells me that's not the greatest sign of reliability.  That being said, if I wanted reliability, I'd go ride the numerous dull B&Ms at Busch Gardens.  Actual picture from the site ;-)  
I think it was around 6:30 or so after riding all of that, it was fair to say we had made pretty good time, so we headed to the Grove to get some quick rides on some of the lower queued rides.  We skipped Shockwave and headed to the woodies.  I was surprised Hurler was already running again after its retracking.  Grizzly and Rebel Yell were superb as usual.  I didn't really notice any difference on Hurler, I never really got why everybody whines about its roughness anyway.  It seems like to me that if people really hated the ride that much, Kings Dominion would have scrapped it by now, not retracked it.  Typical coaster enthusiasts, so over-critical of everything they don't even take time to enjoy the rides.  We headed to the Flying Eagles, and the park was closing by then.  Overall, it was a great time with my friends as usual.  The perfect end to a great day was when we stopped at the heaven of all huge franchise restaurants.  The king of the pancake, the connoisseur of everything deep-fried and delicious, IHOP.  Yea, I know, I just went on a health rant a few paragraphs ago, but every now and then a little IHOP is allowed.  

Yummy!  I didn't feel like driving the extra 15 minutes home, so I crashed at my friends house.  And for the record, I woke up the next day with an IHOP hangover.

Anyway, thanks very much for reading.  Have a great day, and running is the best cure for an IHOP hangover.


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